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SJSS Styling Shortcuts

Super JavaScript Stylesheets (SJSS) simplifies styling in Angular applications with a range of shorthand properties, covering everything from padding and margin to flexbox layouts.

Table of Contents

  1. Example Usage in a Component
  2. Shorthand Properties
  3. Padding and Margin
  4. Sizes
  5. Borders
  6. Colors
  7. Flexbox
  8. Interactive Examples

Example Usage in a Component

Consider styling a div within an Angular component using SJSS shorthand properties:

  import { Component } from "@angular/core";
  import { SjDirective } from "super-jss";

    standalone: true,
    selector: 'app-demo',
    template: `
        <div [sj]="{
          py: '10px',
          px: '20px',
          m: '20px',
          b: '1px solid black',
          d: 'flex',
          fxJustify: 'center',
          fxAItems: 'center',
          bg: '#aa5645'
          Welcome to Super JSS!
export class DemoComponent {}

For interactive examples and more detailed usage, visit SJSS on StackBlitz.

Now, let's delve into the details of these shorthand properties.

  • note: they are just shorthands, you can use the full css property in camelCase if you prefer.

Padding and Margin

Shorthand CSS Property Description
p padding Padding on all sides
pt paddingTop Padding top
pr paddingRight Padding right
pb paddingBottom Padding bottom
pl paddingLeft Padding left
m margin Margin on all sides
mt marginTop Margin top
mr marginRight Margin right
mb marginBottom Margin bottom
ml marginLeft Margin left


Shorthand CSS Property Description
w width Width
h height Height
minW minWidth Minimum width
minH minHeight Minimum height
maxW maxWidth Maximum width
maxH maxHeight Maximum height


Shorthand CSS Property Description
b border Border on all sides
bt borderTop Border top
br borderRight Border right
bb borderBottom Border bottom
bl borderLeft Border left
bs borderStyle Border style
bw borderWidth Border width
bc borderColor Border color
brad borderRadius Border radius
bx borderLeft, borderRight Horizontal borders
by borderTop, borderBottom Vertical borders


Shorthand CSS Property Description
bg backgroundColor Background color
c color Text color


Shorthand CSS Property Description
d display Display property
fxDir flexDirection Flex direction
fxWrap flexWrap Flex wrap
fxFlow flexFlow Flex flow
fxJustify justifyContent Justify content
fxAItems alignItems Align items
fxAContent alignContent Align content
fxOrder order Flex item order
fxGrow flexGrow Flex grow
fxShrink flexShrink Flex shrink
fxBasis flexBasis Flex basis
fxASelf alignSelf Align self

⬅️ Previous: Basic Usage | Next: Responsive Styling ➡️

Created 2023-11-29, Updated 2023-12-04
Authors: (2)